Sunday, March 13, 2016



About Feudalism:
   Feudalism is a political system that existed during the Middle Ages in Europe. The upper class controlled all the military, political, and social system over the lower classes. There are four levels in the Feudal System Pyramid. Each level represented classes of different status. The four classes are: Monarch (King, Queen, or Clergy), Lords (Nobles), Knights (Vassals), and Peasants (Serfs).

Feudal System:
    The Highest Class  - The highest class was the Monarch (King, Queen, or Clergy). They ruled the kingdom and owned all the land in the country. The King let the Lords govern a part of the land in return of their soldiers, and food (or money). He had to kept order and protects his people in return of their loyalty. 

    The Next Highest Class - Under the King was the Lords (Nobles). They controlled and protected their part of land that the King has given them. By that land, they could grow crops and keep some for themselves. Then they give some to the Knights and the King. The Lords were responsibility to keep order of their land, follow the laws, and keeping their peasants safe.
    The Third Class - The third class was the Knights (Vassals). The Knights' family were leased the land by the Lord, in return they had to provided solders to the King and the Lords. They also had to protect their county and their family. If they want to be a Knight in Medieval Europe, they have to be a really good solder. Because the Knights in Medieval Europe was a honor bestowed for only best solders.

    The Lowliest Class - The lowliest class was the peasants (serfs). They had to work in return for their protection and place to live by the lord. They had to pay rent on the land they worked. They had no rights and they can't marry without permission of their lords. They were the poorest class in the feudal systems. 

I found this information at:

    On Friday, in my Social Studies class, we had a activity that we're trying to live like in feudal times. There are one king, four lords (4 castle), knights (1-3 knights in each castle), peasants (2-3 peasants in each castle), and the barbarian, which is my Social Studies teacher. The lords came to visit the king, and the king gave them a part of land,in return of token and solder. The peasant had to worked and gave token to the lord. I was given to be a knight. I had to walk around the castles to ask for job. If the lord accepted me, they had to give me a token. My job is to protect the lord and the peasant for the attacked of the barbarian. We has 4 chairs and yarn and it was suppose to be our border. The king and the peasants was sitting inside the border. My weapon is a book to protect the lord, the king, and the peasants from the paper ball of the barbarian. When the barbarian attack us, the knights had to block the ball, if it hits us, that mean we were dead. This activity was really fun and it help us a lot for our project.

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