- Sometime she look gloomy but she's really funny.
- Ms.Hernandez is athletic.
- Ms.Emert is really funny.
- She's really good at Science.
- She is a very clean person.
- Ms young is good at Math.
- She's funny
- And she love PI. (3.14159265358979....)
The colors in coat of arms meaning:
Purple: Majesty, justice and sovereignty.
Orange: Rewarding ambition.
Blue: Steadfastness, strength truth & loyalty.
Green: Freedom, beauty, joy, health and hope loyalty in love.
Red: Eagerness to serve his country. Warrior and martyr.
Black: Grief and resistance.
Maroon: Victorious-Preserving in the battle.
Coat of Arms Assignment Day 2
- Creative: he always make cool stuff for Social Studies.
- Intelligent: he knowns everything about history.
- Cool: he has lots of interesting project for us to do.
Mr.Beckham is the second oldest.
- Intelligent: she good at Math and she used to be a Math teacher.
- Creative: she always has a good idea for our projects.
- Nice: she always help us if we need help.
Ms.Lowy is the oldest child.
- Patience: he always tried hard to put us in order.
- Humorous: he's really funny.
- Mean: he gave us a lots of homework to do.
Mr.Fuller is the youngest.
Rule and authority Protection Protection Honor Military strips or Belt of Valor
Military strength or bravery Faith or protection Defense or protection Military strength or fortitude
The radiation, the sun. sym- fire or the walls of a Earth and Country Clouds and air Sea or water
bolizes also fame and glory. fortress or city
Background: White: Cleanliness, wisdom, innocence sincerity, peace and joy.
Symbol: Crescent: The crescent moon is a symbol of hope to greater honor. Sign for second son.
Background: Maroon: Preserving in the battle.
Symbol: Book: Book are generally a symbol of learning/knowledge.
Background: Green: Freedom, beauty, joy, health, and hope loyalty in love.
Symbol: Peacock: The peacock is a symbol of immortality. He also represent beauty, power and knowledge.
Background: Blue: steadfastness, strength truth & loyalty.
Symbol: Wolf: Simple of of strength, intelligence and courage.
Background: Green: Freedom, beauty, joy, health, and hope loyalty in love.
Symbol: Grapes: These grapes are symbol of happiness, bliss and peace.
Background: Blue: steadfastness strength truth & loyalty.\
Symbol: Duck: Duck can deceive their enemies in many ways by flying, running, swimming or diving. Therefore, they are a symbol of a person of many resource.
- I think that I'm a independent person
- I like art&craft, math, history, and sports.
- I was always tried hard to reach my goal.
The background of my Coat of Arms is orange, orange is stand for rewarding ambition. The symbol that I pick is the acorn, the acorn stand for independent and strength.